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Bernardo de Galvez Chapter #1
Sons of the American Revolution
Events Calendar
, voluntary
Chapter Meeting
August 17 at Kelley's noon with John Espinosa
Joint SAR/DAR Meeting [tenative]
September 21, meet with
the George Washington Chapter DAR,
location: Menard Hall on 33rd St. in
Galveston, noon Color Guard Event
Chapter Meeting
October 19 at Kelley's noon with
Dick Grey - "Under Fire"
Daylight Saving
November 3 Time ends
Veterans Day
November 11 at Seabrook Memorial Park
Color Guard to assemble at 1106 Main St
Park 10:00 sharp
Chapter Meeting
November 16 at Kelley's noon
Elect 2025 officers
November 28 with family
Chapter Meeting
December 7 - Install Officers 11 a.m. at Kelley's
Dickens on the Strand Parade
December 7 at Post Office@15th
1pm for Color Guard Event:
Muster at 1:00 p.m.
in the parking lot across from the Railroad
Museum (2501 Sante Fe Place)


Revised 2024Jun15