Christmas |
December 25 |
Inauguration Day |
January 20, 2025 |
Valentine Day |
February 14 |
Chapter Meeting |
February 15 at Kelley's noon |
Presidents' Day (federal holiday) |
February 21 |
Washington's Birthday |
February 22, 1732 Westmoreland, County, VA |
Daylight Saving Time begins |
March 9 at 2 AM |
Chapter Meeting |
March 15 at Kelley's noon with Kathleen Macca |
241th Anniversary of The Last Naval Battle |
March 18 Veteran's Memorial Center - Merritt Island |
247th Anniversary of the Battle of Thomas Creek |
March 24 Jacksonville, Florida |
130th Texas SAR Annual Meeting in Richardson |
March 27-April 2 see the Texas Society web page
JROTC Award |
April 10! at Texas City High School (based on 2024 date) |
246th Anniversary of the Adoption of the Halifax Resolves |
April 12 |
Thomas Jefferson Birthday |
April 13, 1743, Shadwell, VA |
JROTC Award |
April 17! at LaPorte High School in uniform |
Chapter Meeting |
April 19 at Kelley's noon
Patriot's Daythe third Monday in April |
April 17 - Commemorating the Battles of Lexington and Concord
Patriot's Daythe third Monday in April |
April 21 - Commemorating the Battles of Lexington and Concord
JROTC Award |
April 24! at Ball High School in Galveston in uniform |
DISD JROTC Award Program |
April 25! at Dickinson High School at 1800 hours in uniform |
Texas A&M Maritime Academy ROTC Award Program |
April 26! in uniform |
244th Anniversary |
May 8 Victory at Pensacola
May 10! at the Clear Creek High School (based on 2024 date) |
254th Anniversary |
May 16, 1771 Battle of Alamance Creek in North Carolina |
Chapter Meeting |
May 17 at Kelley's noon
Memorial Day |
May 26! in Seabrook 1106 Main St. Color Guard in uniform at 8:30 a.m. |
Flag Day |
June 14 |
Chapter Meeting |
June 21 at Kelley's noon
Independence Day |
Saturday, July 4
Chapter Meeting |
July 19 at Kelley's noon with Irene Walters |
Chapter Meeting |
August 16 at Kelley's noon with John Espinosa |
Labor Day |
September 1 |
Constitution Day |
September 17 |
Veterans Day |
November 11! at Seabrook Memorial Park Color Guard to assemble at 1106 Main St Park 10:00 sharp |
Chapter Meeting |
December 6 - Install Officers 11 a.m. at Kelley's |
Dickens on the Strand Parade |
December 6! at Post Office@15th 1 p.m. for Color Guard Event: Muster at 1:00 p.m.
in the parking lot across from the Railroad Museum (2501 Sante Fe Place) |
Wreaths Across America |
December 14! Lakeview Cemetery w Color Guard |